
Avg weather in November
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    12 Hrsper day
    191 mmper month
    75 %avg
    13 Mphavg

    Antigua weather November


    What’s the weather like in Antigua in November?

    Antigua’s proximity to the equator means that it’s warm and sunny all year round. Apart from the odd rain shower, the island manages to stay mostly dry in November. You’ve missed the worst of wet season (which takes place in October), so you’re free to bask in the sun and explore all 365 of Antigua’s golden beaches, without having to deal with a surprise downpour.

    Geographical influences

    Antigua weather in November is like a second summer. The heat may be overwhelming to some if it wasn’t for the cooling trade winds that blow in from the east. These pleasant winds are also responsible for creating perfect sea conditions for windsurfing and sailing, attracting thousands of aspiring athletes to the region every year.


    With an average high of 31°C in November, you can stay in your swimwear and sip cocktails by the pool until the sun goes down. The sea is the perfect temperature for deep sea snorkelling with average highs of 29°C and lows of 27°C. You’ll have 11 hours of sunshine each day, which gives you plenty of time to explore Antigua’s secluded coves and beautiful beaches.


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